Connect 10.14.1


  1. Processing payments with multiple stored value gateways.
    Currently, it is possible to open and close a few orders with different stored value payment type via Activate.

    1) Open Activate and add one or more items to the order
    2) Select one stored value as a payment
    3) Proceed with checkout
    4) Your order is paid and closed
    5) Open a new order
    6) Add one or more items to the order
    7) Select another stored value payment 
    8) Move on to checkout
    9) Pay and close the order 
  2. Hawking support throughout Connect.
    1) Configuration pages added for hawking types.
    2) starting from this Connect build, we've the ability to manage such special Vendor type in Connect


  1. Events: Stand Sheet improvements.
     ♦ Variance $ and Variance % fields show correct values on the Stand Sheet stock count
     ♦ Variance on the Stand Sheet should equal Total Tender - Inventory Sales
  2. Inventory > Items page.
     ♦ Par Level item setup has the sales unit clearly labeled for the par level input fields
     ♦ units show the chosen quantity value
  3. Inventory > True Up Count page refreshed.
    When you open the True Up Count for Inventory, you will see that:

     ♦ fields such as Current Count, Actual Count and Variance are displayed in Sales Unit
     ♦ all the counts entered for Purchase Unit, Inventory Unit and Sales Unit are correctly converted and saved using Sales Unit
     ♦ this change is for both: Connect Landing and the downloaded Count sheets
  4. Reports > Inventory > Purchase Item History report
     ♦ the report has been updated
     ♦ currently it should show a renamed field (previously: "Inv Unit", now: "Base Unit"
     ♦ the Pack size field shows the correct conversion calculation from Sales unit to Purchase unit


  1. Incorrect message displayed when adding an inventory item with no price.
  2. Reports > Sales per Hour. Issues when generating excel report.


  1. This Connect version delivers lots of API enhancements. Several API calls have been added, and some of the existing were modified:
     ♦ Venue order details: increased limit of records shown on one page to 1000
     ♦ when items endpoint is called, user would also see price levels assigned to items
     ♦ new endpoint showing all items with the current item information at the venue level
     ♦ new API endpoint that displays all discounts and promos for a Venue