Interact Kiosk 1.3.4

New Features

  • Added the ability to scroll through category selections on the Ordering screen when more than five categories are displayed.
  • Added an option to flag items as ‘Grab & Go.’ When the Grab & Go option is enabled for an Item, that Item does not display in the menu.
    To enable this option in Connect:
    1. Click Items > Items.
    2. Click the Item you want to modify.
    3. On the Item Details page, navigate to the Detailed Information section, and then set the ‘Is Grab & Go’ option to Yes.

  • Added the ability to run kiosks in Spooling mode so orders can be taken when the system is offline. Payment information is stored locally when offline and then processed when the system is back online.
    Note: Split payments and Loyalty payments are not supported in Offline mode.
  • Added the ability to run kiosks in Portrait mode.
    To configure this option in Connect:
    1. Click Vendors.
    2. Click the Vendor you want to modify.
    3. On the Vendor Settings page, enter the following text in the Theme configuration box: “preferredOrientation”: “portrait”
    4. Click Save Changes.

    Note: This setting can also be configured for a Venue.

  • Added a Check Number option, which lets users add a unique identifier to printed receipts to assist with guest pick-up.
    To configure this option in Connect:
    1. Click Options > Employee Roles.
    2. Click the Employee Role you want to modify.
    3. Click the Check Number tab.
    4. Set the Check Number option to Yes and configure any other required options.
    5. Click Save Employee Role.

    Note: The Order Prefix identifier must be configured in Interact (see below).

  • Added the ability to define order numbers on the kiosk.
    To configure this option in Interact:
    1. In the Admin Menu, click Order prefix.
    2. Enter the order prefix, and then click OK.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • Added the current software version to the Admin Main screen.
  • Updated Ordering functionality. Now users will be unable to place new orders after the Vendor has closed. If the Vendor is set to Closed status, the following message will display on the Home screen, ‘Kiosk Not in Service.’
    • The vendor open/close status is determined by the Vendor Role configuration in Connect.
    • Open and closed periods will be cached in the event of an offline scenario.
    • The Admin Login in Connect can be used when the kiosk is not in service.
    • Orders that are open or in progress when the kiosk switches to Closed status can be completed.

  • Improved Payment screen workflow. Now it’s easier to support partial payments and multiple forms of payment.
  • Fixed an issue where the Age Verification message did not display if alcoholic items were scanned (versus clicked on the Menu screen) and added to the cart.
  • Fixed an issue where users could swipe/scan a Givex card twice at checkout.