KDS 3.6


  1.  Two colored timer indicating order status on main Pending view added. The order indicator turns red after 5 mins by default from making an order (unless it’s set differently see point 2)
  2. It is possible to configure the default time (5mins) from Connect (Vendors). Subvendor settings,in this case, are the same as assigned Vendor’s. How to change the default time? “Blink Intervals” set from Connect come in handy. Go to: Connect>Vendors>Choose or create your Vendor>Vendor Settings tabblink_intervals
  3. Pickup text shows up (once the seat is confirmed) when delivery order is made. Well, that includes of course setting Vendor Role on Connect. To do it, go to: Connect>Vendor Roles>GENERAL (see screen below) pickup_posIf “Pos Pickup Vendor” marked YES – KDS displays: pickup_indicator
  4. KDS version number placed in the right bottom corner.
  5. Need more space for better visibility of orders? New layout: left menu hidden until you slide from left to open it. It can be set from Connect here: Connect>Options>Permission Sets>KDS>Left menu hidden by default. Then, such a permission set should be applied to a given account. left_menu_kds
  6. PIN is required to manage settings, catalog, and admin sections. It is also duplicated for KDS subvendor accounts. New options are permission sets configured from Connect. Go to: Connect>Options>Permissions Sets>KDS:require_pin“Require PIN for settings page” setting added. To do it, mark it “YES” and Save. The next step is to assign the correct permission to a Vendor. To do it go to: Connect>Accounts>Vendor>choose your Vendor>”Edit Account” tab opens (like this one below) perm_yesand Save Changes.


  1. Visibility of modifiers and wizard items.
  2. App behavior when printing after crash. Now, when AutoPrint is ON, orders are printed automatically even if  crash occurred. There’s no need to log in again after crash.
  3. Wristbands: Admin section>finalize day view updated with wristbands use.
  4. Wristbands handling: finalize day view updated with total wristbands use; credit info has new keys excluding wristbands from credits; total wristbands line added to Totals print.
  5. Update wait time changed. Basically, a client orders pizza using SDK,  restaurant receives the order and using KDS responds with expected wait time (e.g. 15 min). But… the restaurant hits problems as there’s no cheese left. While somebody from staff is rushing to find some cheese, wait time on KDS is updated to 45 min. Simultaneously, client’s SDK wait time view is being refreshed. Users can change the wait time in two ways: from Connect or KDS.timeOptions> Vendor Roles> Choose Vendor > Mobile Ordering Options >Temporary Wait Time / Temporary Wait Time Duration. It is possible to set only temporary wait time or temporary wait time duration. It triggers the change in KDS and SDK.KDS: section “Settings” > Manage Wait Time button > a popup with time manager shows up. New timing can be also set here:settingWaitTime_PNG


  1. Issue with partial orders and updating seats.
  2. Incorrect PIN validation.
  3. API calls optimized. Now, only when new orders are made API is called every 10s. Maximum delay does not exceed 15s.