Activate 5.2


  1. “Autoprint on signature amount”  let’s you have deafult autoprint set to OFF while printing receipts automatically whenever signature screen is shown.
  2.  Possibility to resend receipts for orders directly from All Orders section. Orders with already added email address have email field pre-filled when resending.
  3. Ability to set start/end date for items. Items show up depending on their start date and get hidden upon their end date. This also works offline.
  4. Action added to Sync Offline Orders from Actions panel in Connect.
  5. User can choose to use fee rounding as a setting in Employee Roles, Connect. In this mode app will round fee value to the nearest non-zero integer value.
  6. Cash drawer will automatically open when cash transaction is refunded from All Orders view.
  7. Manager PIN requirement can be enabled for promo codes. User can be asked to provide manager PIN when trying to apply promo code uder cart or individual item promo.
  8. “Refresh sort order” Push Notification is handled. If there is any custom moving of the items, sending this PN will refresh item arrangement to default server configuration.


  1. Credit Card authorization before signature include or doesn’t include tip amount depending on tip settings and default tip value.
  2. PIN alert windows have entered digits dotted.
  3. iPod version have now the same option to split out tip and signature views as iPad.
  4. Activate version added to the login screen.


  1. PIN alert shown when swiping Credit Card.
  2. Tip options not shown when closing check on iPod.
  3. Card validation before signature not applied in Quick Checkout payment.
  4. Payment type buttons are not updated on receiving Push Notification.
  5. Shift close cash amount calculations are not correct.
  6. Cash view is always shown when cash stop action was not submitted between events.
  7. Wrong tip amount shown in the confirmation screen.
  8. Random characters shown in name field for check order in All ORders, iPod.
  9. Crash fixes.
  10. Items loading indicator keeps spinning when no items for an account are available.
  11. Right view stays visible after tapping back from Check Menu.
  12. Beacon users are incorrectly identified.
  13. User gets stuck in Special Instructions on iPod.

Activate 5.1.1


  1. “Process Transaction Before Signature” in Employee Role. When enabled, Credit Card is validated for order’s total straight after Credit Card swipe or Credit Card manual entering.
  2. PIN requirement on opening Cash Drawer manually can be enabled in Permission Set for Employee Role.


  1. Beacon payments can be submitted through a different processor.
  2. Offline Mode logic updates.

Bug fixes:

  1. “Sold Out” for additionals allows adding item to cart.

Connect 5.3


  1. Ability to reset admin user password for corporate accounts.
  2. Corporate accounts have connect permissions options that are inherited to the venues they login to.
  3. Push Notifications are added to switches in Vendor Roles list.
  4. “Process Transaction Before Signature” on employee role. The switch is set to “NO” by default.
  5. Accounts are sorted by account types. Now every type has its own tab in “Accounts” section.
  6. PIN requirement on opening Cash Drawer manually can be enabled in Permission Set for Employee Role.
  7. It is possible to set separate gateway settings for individual payment types with separate credentials (for using Beacon payments on and BridgePay set venues).
  8. Item update Push Notification sent when inventory item quantity in vendor is updated.


  1. “Sold out” logic updated:
    – Alow Sold Out Sales parameter is now available only in item details. Enabling this parameter allows selling an item when it’s inventory quantity falls to zero.
    – item is marked as “Sold Out” in Activate always when an item has Sold Out parameter set to Yes in item details (or modified through KDS app)
  2. Vendor Role popup is redesigned.
  3. Vendor Roles, Employee Roles, Permission Sets, Items, Accounts and Codes have responsive improvements.
  4. Card expiration is not required for tab opening (needed for encrypthed swiper).


  1. “Menu Price” value is incorrect in “Cost of Goods” Report.
  2. Depletion Rate for an inventory itemis not included in Inventory Analysis Report.
  3. “Refund Report” bugs.
  4. No possibility to clock in on Activate.
  5. UI issues in Account list on iPad.
  6. Adding item with additional on KDS it sets “Custom vendors” to Yes by default.
  7. Totals for Apple Pay, Wristband, Beacon and Submit payment types are duplicated in Live Report.
  8. CC data is not downloaded for user logged in on Checkout (SDK).
  9. “Sold Out” parameter in item can’t be modified from KDS app.
  10. Password reset in the login page not working.

Activate 5.1

1. New Push Notification to reset Activate menu items to their default order is added to Employee Role, Vendor and Accounts Actions panel.
2. Items and additionals are marked as “Sold Out” when their quantity in vendor inventory falls to 0 and sold out sales for the item is disabled.
3. Cash bank capabilities introduced. User can be required to enter amount of Cash at the beginning of event. Later they can add or subtract cash using Cash Add/Cash Drop actions. Cash Register is placed under left menu (when enabled in user’s Employee Role).
4. User is able to send exact number of bills and coins counted at the end of event when making Cash close action (Cash Register menu section). Exact numbers of bills/coins are later visible under “Finalize Day” section in Connect.
5. User can enable/disable swiper’s kiosk mode under Diagnostics menu section when swiper is connected.


1. iOS required version: 8.0.
2. Sending track2 data when using unencrypthed swipers and ApplePay.
3. Checkout call has App version parameter added for error tracking.

Bug fixes
1. Closing check to invalid stored card and changing payment to invalid CC again crashes app.
2. First screen issues for Quick Checkout only accounts.
3. “Issue Refund” button shown in refunded order details, All Orders view.
4. Print icon squished in order details when printing is disabled.
5. Clear cart button missing in closing Check order to Split by Item.
6. Applied Tip cleared in Split payment after checkout error.
7. Tax on Tip value not updated when adding tip in Pending Closed.
8. Layout fixes.
9. Crash fixes.
10. Sending Diagnostic Info error.
11. Right view not displayed properly.
12. Calculating amounts in split by percent with tax enabled.
13. Cash drawer opened when printing itemized after cash transaction (accounts using Restaurant printing preset).
14. Tip screen not rotating.
15. Mixer description in cart is missing.
16. Seat confirmation requirement not obeyed when swiping Credit Card in menu.
17. Remaining items are gone when going back from signature screen to Split by Item view.

Connect 5.2.540

1. Offline Declines Report. User can see list of transaction declined when Activate was in Offline Mode On state, their totals and estimated percentage of total revenue.
2. Live Report and Tender Type Report have new column added under “Credit Card Breakdown” sections – Transactions. User can see quantity of transactions submitted divided into specific Credit Card types and their totals.
3. Content of email receipt can be easily customized in Vendor settings.
4. New Push Notification to reset Activate menu items to their default order was added to Employee Role, Vendor and Accounts Actions panel.
5. Ability to mark Items and additional as “Sold Out” when their quantity in vendor inventory falls to 0 and sold out sales for the item is disabled.


1. Employee Role popup is redesigned.
2. “Importing items” in Vendor popup is hidden.
3. Block possibility to add letters or special characters in Item Price. Only numeric values, “,” “.” can be entered by user.
4. User Name field in account is validated – special characters are not allowed.
5. Item import XLS files have every cell validated for content and all parameters have to be provided in such sheets.

Bug fixes:

1. Using new card on checkout is not overriding the old one.
2. Sections assigment for Vendors or Subvendors is not stored.
3. Cannot add sections in “Layout” by “Add Section” button.
4. Credit Card refund optimizations.
5. Item modifiers can not be deleted.
6. Finalize Day report isn’s shown correctly on iPad and iPod.
7. Connect Role assigned to Connect Account is shown on list of Accounts.
8. UI bugs (List of Voids is styled, Finalize Day Report view is improved on iPad and iPod).
9. Error when sending Push Notifications from “Vendors” section.
10. Missing data in “Dashboard” section.
11. “User Data” report is trimmed in report PDF version.
12. Alert is not shown when user creates new Employee Role without required information.
13. Missing tabs in Account modal blocks possibility to add new Account.
14. Average Order Size and Average Tip are incorrect on Corporate Dashboard.

Connect 5.1.536

New Features:

  1. “Carry Over” option when creating inventory reports that allows automatically Count In vendors with their current inventory items Quantity as Quantity In.
  2. Event Calendar list on corporate view for all venues in the corporate. User can add, edit and delete Events from within the Corporate view.
  3. Corporate Venue Groups. Every Event can be assigned to specific Venue Groups.
  4. You can assign a unique ID to Events in Corporate View which will help track specific data for tours with the new Tour view.
  5. Information about “Vendor Groups” are added to Reports.
  6. Improvement with the Corporate login – corporate user can easily go back to the overview.
  7. Tours for shows/teams that span across multiple venues in one corporate view. Run reports against a tour to see sales spanned certain days across multiple venues.
  8. You can add custom emails per vendor now. Upload your own graphic and text to each email that is sent.


  1. “Track Inventory” switch is moved from Vendor Role to a separate tab in the inventory vendor.
  2. All vendor inventory settings editable in inventory view.
  3. “Add price override” setting for Mixers is disabled.

Bug Fixes:

  1. UI bugs (switch states not showing up property).
  2. Counting items in Inventory. Inventory value in Venue section block the sale, when “Allow sold out sales” is set to “No”.
  3. Checkout improvements.
  4. Live Report is not updated in Safari – the issue occurs on iPod and iPad.
  5. No possibility to edit Vendors.
  6. Vendor image is removed when form is saved.
  7. Bottle image for alcohol mixer is cleared when changed item’s price in the list.
  8. Editing email on order details.

Activate 5.0.2

Small incremental bug fix update.

– Fixed an issue with track data from older readers with usage with Bridgepay accounts with Chase Paymentech

– Fixed an issue with signature amount not rotating when screen is rotated.

Connect 5.0.528

New Features:

  1. Finalize Day View has been added. Finalize Day allows for storing bills/coins count for each employee at the end of the event from Activate. This can be found under the Event menu option.


  1. Improved protection against CSRF attacks.
  2. Vendor seat selection UI improved.
  3. Expired sessions automatically redirect to login screen.
  4. Alert added when regular user tries to edit global Permission Set.
  5. “Add Subvendor” button label changed to “Add Sub”.
  6. Tooltips added on Connect Roles and Reports pages.


  1. UI bugs on mobile devices.
  2. Layout name changes color after editing.
  3. New settings for vendor/sub vendor not stored when editing in IE10.
  4. Report subscription not sending emails automatically.
  5. Vendor filtering in Reports shows deleted vendors.
  6. Confirmation alert not shown on deleting category group.
  7. New Event creation fixes.
  8. Custom vendor switches in item editing bugs.
  9. Editing item price in the list not working.
  10. “Promo applies to” button shown for all promo code types.

Activate 5.0

New Features:

  1. Ability to mark any item in cart as free using promo code with new award type: Item Level Discount. Appetize user can tap item in cart and mark it as free using “Actions” panel in the app. Item is not counted into subtotal or included in reports.
  2. We introduce Bank capabilities to track cash flow during event. Employee is able to enter cash amount for Event Start, Shift Close, mark Cash Additions and Drops through the night. Cash flow summary is available in Finalize Day view under “Register Summary” section.
  3. New Wristband data downloading mechanism. When wristband downloader is enabled data is automatically downloaded on login and refreshed every 60 seconds to track any changes (users being added or removed from the venue). Wristband data can be manually re-fetched using menu button. Time elapsed since last refresh is shown in the refresh button.
  4. Products can now be paired with “upsell items” in Connect. When user is adding one item to cart they can be asked if they want to purchase another (upsell) product of the same type.
  5. PIN requirement can be enabled for Wristband payment. When this setting is enabled user is prompted for PIN when using wristband at checkout.
  6. Sync All non-credit button in All Orders view in Restaurant mode which closes cash and House orders in Pending Closed section while leaving Credit Card orders open.
  7. Void groups/Refund reasons are supported. When Refund reasons are set in Connect user is prompted to select one of them on refunding order in Activate.
  8. Item photo animation when adding item to cart in iPhone.
  9. Printer/swiper status shown in the login screen.


  1. “Nearby Beacon payments available” alert shown only in menu view.
  2. User is unable to remove any split after Split payment failure.
  3. Name is not required field on Credit Card swipe.
  4. Seat confirmation alert shown before Contactless payment.
  5. iPhone version performance improvements.
  6. Tappable area in iPhone version enlarged.
  7. First screen automatically sets to Quick Checkout keyboard view when there’s no items and Quick Checkout is enabled.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Cancelled Checks are stored locally. Tab already exists alert is shown when using same text/seat/CC after cancelling Check order. Tab opened alert shown on logout even when all Check orders were cancelled.
  2. Print error messages shown when running declined orders in background.
  3. Syncing offline orders in background may interrupt applying promo code in iPhone version.
  4. Handling “Show Finalize Day” Push Notification issues.
  5. Payment grid in split payments shaking on rotation.
  6. Card Present info wiped out after Credit Card data update.
  7. Cash drawer opening when syncing offline order.
  8. Blank CC screen shown when swiping card using Infinea reader (iPod).
  9. Crash on multiple “Run Declines” Push Notification.
  10. iPhone KDS crashes and UI issues.
  11. Missing top menu after changing payment of a Check in Pending Closed.
  12. Clock In status change crash.
  13. Item update and categories bugs.
  14. Crash on tapping “Sort by seat” in All Orders view.
  15. Calculation rounding issue.
  16. Crash on rapid switching between menu sections.
  17. Check order duplicated in “Check Orders” after closing in Restaurant mode.
  18. Crash on cancelling already processed split payment.
  19. Seat confirmation issues.
  20. Item photos duplicated when dragging items in iPhone.
  21. Crash when logging to an account with scrolling disabled.
  22. Force logout after transaction not working in iPhone.
  23. Crash on making Add or Waste operation in second Inventory report.
  24. Rare crash on switching between All Orders/Menu view.
  25. Database error in split by item payment for checks.