Connect 10.10


Filtering by Event added to Reports -> Vendor -> Sales Breakdown



Filtering Inventory count by Chargeable / Non-Chargeable items

We’ve fixed a Connect option that filters items displayed on stand sheet by chargeable and non-chargeable options.

We added a similar filter in Activate app. When you go to Left menu > Inventory section and tap the button in the top left corner:

you can choose a sorting option:

  • Chargeable – show items on stand sheets that carry the price of the menu item they represent and are used to track physical/inventory sales.
  • Non-chargeable – show items that have Show Price attribute set to “No”. For these items to show on a stand sheet, “Counting” must be enabled.
  • All – show all items.
  1. By default only chargeable items are displayed.

    Inventory -> Options -> PO Charges

    An error message popping up when trying to access the page has been removed. Now, all users can access the page.