Connect 5.9


  1. Ability to add global modifiers and modifiers groups. Modifiers can now be created and applied to items by checking them. You can also create modifier groups to apply the entire group to items. Existing moodiers will still show in the same structure as previous, but new modifiers will need to be added from the menu.
  2. Authorization is required for Venue Creation. Please contact Appetize Support to create a new venue.
  3. Multi Item Transfer Mode allowing to transfer more than one item at once in Vendor/Warehouse.
  4. New parameter, “Require Both Swiped Card Tracks” is added in Employee Role.
  5. Transfers can be filtered by Vendor.
  6. Print all button allowing to export all transfers visible on current view.
  7. Auto Count-in is by default disabled for new event.
  8. Ability to specify which vendor item should be assigned to on the Inventory item edit form.
  9. Ingredients can be added to open reports.
  10. Breakdown Per Hour chart to standard venue dashboard.
  11. User cash room view added to add specific cash values for specific users.
  12. “Time clock Only” button is added under Employee Role which is marked as Shared Account.
  13. End of Night automatic transfer creation and printing – auto restock of stands for the next event.


  1. Improved customization capabilities for vendor email templates. It is now possible to change background and font color or upload header/logo image. Participating venues part can be hidden with proper switch. All new options are available in Vendor/Email tab in Connect.
  2. “Delete” button is renamed to “Stop Tracking” for additionals of items in Inventory Setup page.
  3. Vendors are automatically set as Pickup when Seat required is disabled for Venue.
  4. Number of Cash transactions is added on Tender Report.
  5. Label for Auto Count-in button is changed to “Use previous counted out values to automatically count in (you will not be able to count in the vendors when turned on)”.
  6. On Order column is removed in Warehouse view of Live Overview.
  7. Server response for methods Welcome and Venue is unified.
  8. Item Commission calculations are changed on Category Sales report.
  9. User is able to select unit (sales, transfer or purchase) from dropdown during Purchase Order for item.
  10. Ability to send email from PO screen – when it succeeds automatically is marked as sent.
  11. Stand Sheets adjustments.


  1. UI fixes of Warehouses view in Inventory
  2. Date dropdown not working in Transfers view.
  3. Actual count out fields on Stand Sheets not allowing to enter decimal numbers.
  4. Export Employee Contacts button.
  5. UI fixes for Live Inventory and Transfers view.
  6. Error on deleting modifiers.
  7. Inventory Options sorting issue.
  8. CC Number not returned in login response for gateways other than Braintree.
  9. Vendor list misaligned for long Vendor names in Create Inventory Event modal.
  10. Venue image disappearing after loading seats in SDK App.
  11. Issue allowing to sell sold out items.
  12. Out At Vendors total is incorrect.
  13. Event disappears when all users enter cash.
  14. Catalog items are shown multiple times in product list on the Inventory item edit form.
  15. Item with modifier (modifier is not added to inventory) is shown as an ingredient.
  16. Vendor list is closed when you scroll with the vendor list open on the Stand Sheet.
  17. In every next item refund server is returning the sum of all refunds instead of just the current item refund amount.
  18. Displaying items with additional items in Inventory Section.