Connect 5.6


  1. “True Up Count” section in Inventory. The section presents “Current count” that is based on current stock quantity (including transfers/orders etc). User is able to update item’s stock (it will override current stock), search for particular items and change their quantities
  2. “Stand Sheet” section in Inventory that allows for modifying opened Inventory report numbers (Count In, Waste/Comp, Count Out) or locks reports for editing
  3. Ability to export and import Inventory items. Items can be updated and deleted on importing.
  4. Search boxes have been added to “Add Depletion Rate” modal.
  5. “Brands” tab was added to “Inventory Option” menu tab. Now user can assign Inventory Items to a specific Brand.
  6. “Categories” tab was added to “Inventory Option” menu tab. Now user can assigne Inventory Items to specific Inventory Category.
  7. “Unique ID” parameter has been added to Inventory Items.
  8. An option to require tip confirmation when closing order in Pending closed has beed added to Employee Role “Fee/Tip” tab. “Are you sure that’s the Tip?” pop up has been added on Activate when adding a tip.
  9. Live Chat is available on every page of Connect through “Contact us!” button at the bottom of the page, not only from Help section.
  10. Pending Orders Report. The Report shows list of currently open orders and their details.
  11. Possibility to hide and show Import/Export Items buttons in Connect Role permissions.
  12. We updated “Depletion Rate” modal. Now user can add depleton rate for item and item modifier in one place.


  1. Menu items on inventory landing page have been updated
  2. Two decimal places are shown for prices in “Overview” section.
  3. “Inventory Report” name has been changed to “Inventory Event”.
  4. All lists and items are alphabetized by default on inventory views.
  5. Settings of “Modifier price override” parameter are copied from Catalog Item to Inventory Item.
  6. Orders with total equal $0 are not proccessed by the gateway.


  1. If you click mark delivered button on Purchase Order and go back without submitting the receiving order, it marks it as delivered.
  2. “Other” items added without a photo shows photo directory url.
  3. Wrong placement of “Depletion Rate” label in “Inventory Setup” section.
  4. Transfer popup is trimmed for the last item in the list.
  5. Marking item as Sold Out logic based on item quantity in inventory is updated. Item with ingredients (when its quantity is not being tracked) will be marked as Sold Out when one of its ingredients is not available.
  6. Possibility to transfer between untracked items.
  7. Layout issue in Vendor Inventory Report for Merchandise items.
  8. Report Category can not be deleted when an item is assigned to it.
  9. More items can be transfered from the Warehouse than is avalible there.
  10. “Other” items assigned to all Vendors has negative value of “Out for sale”.
  11. No possibility to edit Purchase Orders.
  12. If user click “Mark Delivered” button on Purchase Order and go back without submitting the receiving order, it marks it that it has been delivered.
  13. Revenue Analysis data is not shown before Venue report is Counted In.
  14. “Out for sale” fields are shown in “Setup” section for Vendors part.
  15. Wristband customerRef changed to UID.
  16. Warehouse Stock updates are not handled properly.
  17. When items with additionals are refunded, wrong numer of items gets refunded.
  18. “Inventory” and “Out For Sale” fields are shown for item with depletion rate.
  19. If user adjusts Purchase Order quantity on Delivery it will not be applied to transfer.
  20. Values in “Profit/Loss” tab are reduced by half when an item belongs to two Vendors.
  21. The order sum shows data from one Vendor in “Revenue Analysis” part.
  22. “Count Out” value is incorrect for item with deplation rate in “Revenue Analysis” part.
  23. Order with multiple items discounted Declined.